
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Condensed milk Cake. Kondensmilch Kuchen. كيكة اللبن المكثف

This is a very easy and light cake & doesn't have much ingredients yet soo yummy.

Ingredients: (8 pieces)

1 can condensed, sweetened milk (400 gm)
4 Eggs
1 cup Flour (150 gm)
1/2 Teaspoon Baking powder
50 gm melted Butter + 1 Tablespoon for brushing the Cake form.


Preheat the oven to 175°C
Prepare your 22 cm Cake pan ( better a ring form ) by brushing it with 1 table spoon butter & spreading flour.
With an electric mixer, mix all ingredients (milk, eggs,flour,baking powder & melted Butter) till smooth then add them to the cake pan.
Bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes (or less according to the Cake thickness).
Sprinkle some powdered sugar on top & serve with fruit sauce or fresh fruits.

Kondensmilch Kuchen

Zutaten: (8 Stück)

1 Dose gedzuckerte Kondensmilch (400 gm)
4 Eier
1 Tasse Mehl (150 g)
1/2 TL Backpulver
50 gm geschmolzene Butter


Backofen auf 175 ° C vorheizen.
Mit dem Schneebesen des Handrührgerates, alle zutaten cremig schlagen.
Im vorbereitet backform 22 cm ( besser eine ringform ) geben & im Ofen ca. 45 minuten backen.
Mit Puderzucker bestreuen und mit Fruchtsauce oder frische Früchte dekorieren.

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كيكة اللبن المكثف

المكونات: ١ علبة لبن مكثف ومحلى (٤٠٠ جم) / ٤ بيضة / ١ كوب كبير دقيق (١٥٠ جم) / ١/٢ ملعقة بيكنج بودر / ٥٠ جم زبدة سائحة

الطريقة : سخني الفرن على ١٧٥ درحة . 
اخلطي جميع المكونات بالمضرب الكهربائي حتى يصبح خليط ناعم ثم ضعي الخليط في صينية الفرن مقاس  (الأفضل إستخدام صنية على شكل حلقة )٢٢ .  
اخبزي الكيكة في الفرن حوالي ٤٠ دقيقة أو أقل أو أكثر على حسب سمك الكيكة
رشي الكيك بالسكر البودرة وزينيها بالفاكهة الطازجة  أو صوص الفاكهة. 

Inspired from:


  1. Danke für dieses sehr einfache Rezept, den Kuchen backe ich nach :)

  2. Oooo, I can't wait to try this InshaAllah. Thank you. Carrie in Milwaukee, WI

  3. How much exactly is 50 gm?

  4. The cake looks beautiful and the crumb is perfect.

  5. انا لازم اقوم حالا اعملها

  6. I just made it!! It's really good, light, and perfectly sweet!

  7. this sounds like a perfect cake for afternoon tea!

  8. Interesting and looks delicious ya Ola

  9. Ui, den werd ich uuunbedingt backen müssen, denke ich :-))

    Danke für's Rezept!!


  10. This cake looks great and so easy to make but I wanted to check what type of flour do you use for this recipe... all-purpose flour, cake flour, or does it not matter? Thanks.

  11. I think you meant 1 Tablespoon of baking powder in the English version.

    1. no I didn't I made it with only 1/2 teaspoon Baking powder.

  12. The 50 grams of melted butter are for brushing the cake pan or to be mixed with all the ingredients? Thanks!

    1. Ney, the melted butter is mixed with other Cake ingredients. you brush the form with some more butter.

  13. Looks yummy! Will try it next time I have guest for coffee. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Do you not have printer friendly option?

    1. No Maria unfortunately !! I have photos copyrights :(

  15. And what temp is 175C in Farenheit? 350?

  16. I made this yesterday and it is absolutely amazing!!!
    I love the texture, the flavour and how simple it was to make!

    I did however get mixed up and I almost thought that the butter was for brushing the pan. but it's not... it goes in the cake - disaster averted.

    Thank you for this recipe!

    1. Thanks a lot for your feedback, I did write it more clearely now, maybe I didn't write it clear enough from the begining :)

  17. I am not a baker, but it came out fantastic! Thank you Ola!

  18. Would this cake work in a cake mould at all?

    1. Anyone think it would?

    2. I don't understand your question!!

    3. Would this work in a train cake tin mould and hold the shape?

      Best served hot or cold?

    4. I'm interested to know too. Can anyone answer this?

    5. Best served warm & I don't guess it will be good as a train does hold its shape but won'T be good!

  19. Der Kuchen sieht so jammii aus :)

  20. this cake was delicious & so easy to make! thanks for sharing!

  21. Is it meant to be served cold or hot ?

  22. I saw this on pintrest, it's easy and delicious! The texture was sort of like custard

  23. I assume can use Bakers Joy instead of using butter and flour to line pan, what's your thought ?

    1. From experience, Baker's Joy should be fine. For those unfamiliar, it is a spray can of oil and flour which sprays out in a fine mist and prevents baked good from sticking to the pan. Cheryl

  24. AWESOME! Thank you very much!

  25. thank you very much Ola it's delicious and very easy to make :)

  26. Hey Ola can I use a bunt cake pan instead of spring.

  27. i made this cake in a bundt pan , @ 350 degrees, for 25 mins, it taste good but i think i would have liked it to be a little moist .. do u think i may have over cooked ? because i see some one wrote it was kind of custard in texture that was not the case with mine..

    1. If you insert a toothpick or a knife in the middle & it comes out clean,then it's done! its texture in not like a normal cake, for me it was a mixture between cheesecakes & normal cakes.

    2. Oh so i over baked mine...but its still taste really goos...excellent with a cup of tea or coffee...making again today

  28. Thanks you for the delicious recipe! I just tried it and I loved how quick, easy and yummy it tastes!

    1. Is this a German recipe or is the texture of the cake typically German?

  29. In the oven! Made a vanilla sauce that is chilling in the fridge while cake bakes. Anxious to see how it turns out! :)

  30. I just made this today and it came out delicious! The texture was so different and delightful. However, mine didn't come out as high as yours. Did you use a 22cm pan for the cake in your picture?

  31. Just made this for the first time. Delicious -- thank you for sharing, Ola !

  32. Greetings from Las Vegas NV, USA.

    I just made this and it turned out super scrumptious! I cant get over how ridiculously easy it was to make. My son snuck into the kitchen and ate half of it before it even cooled. Thanks for sharing this recipe and converting the measurements etc.

    1. Greetings from Frankfurt, Germany :)
      GREAT you liked it! you made my day with your lovely comment :)

  33. I have this cake in the oven as I type! I am going to take it with me to work tonight and share with my coworkers. Looking forward to it!

  34. This cake is so beautiful! Baking it for my family's dessert tonight. Thank you for sharing & most of all...for translating the ingredient amounts!☺

  35. it is such a wonderful delicious cake . but i used a pan size 24 . for the next time what shall i add to be suitable for a pan size 24 ?

  36. and i put caramel topping instead of the sugar . It was awesome.
    thank you so much

  37. Schade, mir ist der Kuchen total misslungen.. :/
    Hier kannst du meinen Post dazu sehen:
    Aber dein Blog ist toll! :)

  38. Absolutely delicious. Made as directed and baked at 350 degrees. Served with Raspberry preserves and mascarpone. Thank you!

  39. OMG!!! I'm making this cake for this Easter Sunday. Your recipes are wonderful. I'm also an MD and with little time to cook.
    I will let you know how it comes out.

  40. I have been looking for a sweetened condensed milk cake recipe! Thanks so much!

  41. Hello Ola, I was wondering, could you use a bundt cake pan for this cake?

    Thank you,

  42. Very pleased with how this cake turned out! So simple! Had a can of sweetened condensed milk sitting in my pantry, glad I found way to use it up! thank you, Suzanne

  43. Thank you Ola. I just made your cake. It is delicious. Just like everyone has said, light and perfect level of sweetness =)

  44. I made this with a lemon cream cheese toppings and strawberries on the side. Delicious!

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    HELLO everyone my name is Aileen i am from the Iceland i'm giving a testimony on how I joined the Illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now, I was scammed by some fake agent I was so down i could not feed my self or even take care of my bills and my family no more and I tried to make money by different ways which all went in vain, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because i have scammed a lot and they've eaten my hard earned money, one day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony thanking a man called Lord Mike Fisher for helping him to join the Illuminati brotherhood, then I looked at the man's email and the phone number that was written below , I was really afraid cause i wouldnt want to loose again to contact him because i was scammed a lot of times by scammers who ate my 173,000 and went away with the money then I was so confused so I made up my mind to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Lord Mike Fisher and he told me everything which i need to do which i did all and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefits of being a new member of the great Illuminati brotherhood I was so happy that a turn came into my life all thanks to him .. For more info contact the official agent on email:
